
展览预告|曹澍 :去罗马|GO TO ROME

想象力学实验室 想象力学实验室 2022-12-25

去罗马 | GO TO ROME

曹澍 | CAO SHU

展期2021年10月24日-12月24日 12:00-19:00(周二至周日)

地址杭州天目山路398号天目里11号楼B1OCK  7F DurationOctober 24-December 24, 202112:00-19:00(Tue-Sun)
OpeningOctober 24, 202116:00

Address7F B1OCK,BLDG11@Ooeli,No.398 Tianmushan RD, Hangzhou


1651年,卜弥格(Michel Boym,1612—1659 )受命于南明永历皇帝,作为特使,经澳门、果阿、莫卧尔、波斯、安纳托利亚、士麦那,前往罗马,向名义上的欧洲精神领袖——教皇英诺森十世请求军事援助。这次历时8年的长途跋涉中,他的身份在明朝外交使节、传教士、博物学者、地理学家、异教徒之间反复切换。最终被抱持不同意识形态的人们全部拒绝,死于越南边境。



" GO TO ROME " is CAO SHU's latest project in imagokinetics.This exhibition began as a two-year project,exhibits a total of 12 works,including 3D rendered moving image installations,sound installations,interactive games as well as other medium of works.

In 1651, Michel Boym (1612—1659) was appointed by Yongli, the Chinese emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty. As a special appointed envoy agent, he travelled to Rome starting from Macau, Goa, Mogul, Persia, Anatolia, and Smyrna to request for military support from the nominal European spiritual leader, Pope Innocent X. During the eight-year long traveling trek, his occupation interchanged between among a Ming Dynasty diplomatic envoy agent, Jesuit missionary, naturalist, geographer, zoologist, and pagan. In the end, people held different ideologies were all rejected and died on the border of Vietnam.In this exhibition, I try to understand the clues identified between the connection between different works as a fictional fragment text based on the real historical event explained above. 12 installations scattered throughout the exhibition space interpreting as punctuation marks for the text fragment, awaiting for the audience to solve the puzzle.The painter, Velazquez, the Pope Innocent X trapped in the Reformation of religions, the Jesuit Bu Miguel from the East, and the emperor of Southern Ming Dynasty existed in corners around the world in historical events 370 years ago together formed a butterfly influence, so that their identities became ambiguous. As Italo Calvino wrote in The Form of Space 

“in some way, regular, with right angles and symmetrical proportions, whereas instead, we should always bear in mind how space breaks up around every cherry tree and every leaf of every bough that moves in the wind, and at every indentation of the edge of every leaf, and also it forms along every vein of the leaf, and on the network of veins inside the leaf, and on the piercings made every moment by the riddling arrows of light, all printed in negative in the dough of the void, so that there is nothing now that does not leave its print, every possible print of every possible thing, and together every transformation of these prints, instant by instant, so the pimple growing on a caliph's nose or the soap bubble resting on a laundress's bosom changes the general form of space in all its dimensions."


A crack on a planet allows all established historical, geographic, and physical knowledge fall into it, to become an unrecognizable mass again.

教宗的消失|硬泡沫切割,铝,亚克力,电线,音箱,自制电路板,投影仪| Vanishing Pope| Hard foam cutting, aluminum, acrylic, wire, speaker, self made circuit board, projector

过去未来观测器3号| 天地杆,模型漆,亚克力,电线,树莓派 3b,电阻屏,特种夹 Past and Future Observer 3|Metal pole, model paint, acrylic, wire, raspberry pi 3b, screen, special clip

无限和无限加一,装置,3D数字模拟影像与4K实拍影像结合| Infinity and Infinity Plus One,Installation, 3D rendering image combined with 4K real image,13 minutes 12 seconds


1987年出生,工作的线索包括且不限于数字模拟影像、互动游戏装置等。他对经验感受在各种媒介语言之间的转译和错位感兴趣,习惯于同时进行装置现场和数字空间的语义编织,并称自己多年以来的工作类似于一种在迷宫中不断迷失并寻找线索的侦探行为。曾于浙江美术馆,上海科技大学展览厅,日本横滨太平庄等地举办个展和个人项目。曹澍近年分别作为瑞士巴塞尔Atelier Mondial (2017),日本横滨黄金町艺术节(2019),德国 Muffatwerk 文化艺术中心(2020)驻地艺术家。曾获 2021 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai 曝光奖、上海短片电影周新叙事奖、北京国际短片联展艺术探索奖等。近期作品展出于巴塞尔乡村州美术馆,UCCA沙丘美术馆,亚洲协会香港中心,北京民生美术馆,OCAT深圳馆等。除此之外,曹澍的作品也在世界各地的影展主竞赛单元展出,包括莱比锡纪录片与动画电影节,米兰电影节,昂西国际动画节,渥太华国际动画节,汉诺威国际短片节等。作品收藏于澳大利亚白兔美术馆、以色列尧山当代艺术基金会、浙江美术馆等。现为中国美术学院讲师,生活工作于杭州。 CAO SHU 

Born in 1987. He mainly works for new media art in Hangzhou. More recently, he works with personal and historical memory as a work interface, continue to carry out a variety of media interaction practice. In recent years, Cao Shu has been residency artist for atelier Mondial in Basel, Switzerland(2017), Koganecho Bazzaar Art Festival, Yokohama (2019) , and Muffatwerk the venue for international art and culture in Munich (2020) .His works have won such awards as Exposure Award 2021 of PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai, the New Narrative Award from the Long Week of Short Films, and the Beijing International Short Film Festival Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement. Recent exhibitions include Cao Shu Solo Exhibition-The Ocean of Solaris(Zhejiang Museum,Hangzhou,China,2019;Cao Shu Solo Exhibition-Flux(ShanghaiTech University,Shanghai,China);Solo Programme-Monster outside the windows (Koganecho,Yokohama,Japan,2019); Solo Programme- “Before and After the Future” CAO Shu and Yournel (SalonMondial, basel, Swizerland, 2017); Cao Shu Solo Exhibition-Nameless (Opencast Space, Hangzhou, China, 2015); Space Oddity(UCCA Dune, Qinhuangdao, China, 2021);"The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China" (Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2019); "Fiction Art" (OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen ,China, 2018); "Pity Party" (Sleep Center, NewYork, USA, 2017). Works are collected by the Australian White Rabbit Art Gellary, Israel Blue Mountain Contemporary Art Foundation, Zhejiang Art Museum, etc.


曹澍×通信 | 索拉里斯, 记忆或引擎模拟并渲染的全景世界

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点击「阅读原文」观看 “曹澍2019年个展-索拉里斯星的海” VR 线上展厅





“想象力学实验室” 是由艺术家耿建翌于2008年创立的非营利艺术机构,致力于寻找和推动新事物,拾荒发明构想萌芽,推动和实践想象力,捕捉其中的未知未见,并全力守护其生长。


